This page contains some general information, dates, pricing, a sample valuation and then lastly, the process we work to.
It may be worth taking a read of our valuations for insurance frequently asked questions here . It's got a lot of information in an easy to read Q&A format.
Insuring your jewellery or watches
If you would like to know about an option for insuring your jewellery or watches, you may wish to look at TH March; and for an online quote from them click here. This is one provider we know of specialising in jewellery + watches with a good reputation within our industry although we suggest you check your household policy as there may be an option there. There may be other stand alone policies available, and please seek professional insurance advice if you need it.
Selling valuations
Wondering if we'd be interested in buying your jewellery or what it's worth? Click here.
Valuations for divorce or separation
Please note these have a strict set of guidelines before we can perform an appraisal for this purpose. Read more here.
Settings checks for insurers
If you need the settings checked on your jewellery as requested by an insurance company, we can provide a formal letter. Prices below.
Formal Valuations
Quite often people may want to have their watches or jewellery valued for insurance, probate or other specific purposes such as private sale, formal division of assets and divorce settlement. There are also Post Loss Assessments for those people who have lost their jewellery and don’t have a valuation (helping them quantify their jewellery’s value to support an insurance claim).
You can always talk to us about your circumstances and what you want your valuation for. We’re happy to advise and guide in our comfortable central Reading shop. Have a look at the list below for a handy checklist of things to bring in to help the conversation.
For the more technical valuations (insurance, probate, etc.) we are one of the few jewellery shops in the Reading area who appraise on-site working with registered members (MIRVs) or fellows (FIRVs) of the Institute of Registered Valuers (IRV).
Valuations for insurance/ probate process
Typically our on site valuations work on a monthly cycle, on or around the first few days of each month: our schedule and valuation dates are below, book an appointment to drop off online here. We do offer valuations off site if you need it sooner than a 4 week cycle, or an express 5 working day service (subject to a £35 surcharge per item + capacity with valuers). Our valuations are usually carried out by qualified valuers with extensive experience, commonly via the Guild of Valuers.
How it works
1. Booking in, at least a few days before our scheduled appraisal day. Ahead of this, we ask you to fill in our 'drop off' form, by clicking here.
You will need to bring in to the shop:
- Your articles
- Any receipts
- Any previous valuations
- Any boxes, ideally original ones
- Any warranties (even old ones), service or repair history paperwork, certificates or third party papers relating to the articles (watches or jewellery)
- Your insurance policy’s single item limit, if needed for insurance
- The deceased’s name and date of passing, if needed for probate
- Please note that withholding any pertinent information will potentially void our work, require recalculations and require additional fees
We will make an initial inspection of the articles based on this information and your requirements and take you through the IRV’s standard valuation checklist. We advise of any repair work required or suggested.
2. Appraisal Day
Our valuer looks over the items, photographs them and documents all information. Your items will be ready to collect a week after (see section 3 below) after, unless we need to perform more checks - we will keep you informed of this eventuality.
3. Research and documenting
Your actual valuation is prepared, values researched and the document created. The final version is usually ready 1 week after appraisal days, and you can collect your items at this time.
Our fees are detailed below. If applicable, we’ll advise if we need to take external advice or resource and the reasons why.
On occasions, we may use a Non-IRV valuer, but this will always be made clear to you in advance.
A sample valuation is shown below which demonstrates the level of professional standard required by the Institute of Registered Valuers of its members.
Contact us for more information or to make an appointment.