Most people just shop for wedding rings using three main criteria: the stone’s size, shape, and colour. While those are the characteristics of the ring that one would first notice, how the stones are set also plays a big role in the overall appearance of the ornament. Think of it like this: the ring’s setting design is like a stage for the stones, and choosing the right design will help bring out the diamond’s best look. Therefore, you should also give equal measures of consideration to the setting. Here are some of the most common designs for diamond rings in Reading:
This design has a small stone at the centre surrounded by even tinier diamonds. What’s great about this design is that even though the diamonds are relatively small, it gives off the illusion that it is bigger. As a result, the ring has a very intricate and delicate design that not only looks elegant but also provides protection for the stones due to their proximity to each other.
Prong or Solitaire
The prong or solitaire setting is the most common of all because it complements the diamond very well. Basically, the stone sits in the middle of the ring with six claws or prongs holding it firmly in place. It is a suitable design for many types of diamond cuts like emerald, round, heart, pear, and marquise. Its design allows for the diamond to be exposed to light from all angles, giving it a boost in brilliance in any kind of light. It is also one of the most secure settings to hold even the most fragile of gemstones. Another advantage of the prong setting is that it takes the least time to make.
Those looking for the simplicity of a traditional design will find the Bezel setting right up their alley. The design features a single piece surrounded by a metal rim. This style is one of the earliest methods used for jewellery and still is a popular choice today. It protects the stone from getting chipped and holds it securely in place, with a distinctly smooth surface that won’t get snagged on delicate fabrics. The metal surrounding the stone also makes it look larger than it really is.
Each setting design has its own advantages. Be sure to take your time in choosing the right one for your engagement ring in Reading from the most trusted makers of quality rings, like Jacobs the Jewellers.
Engagement Ring Settings 101,
How to Purchase a Diamond Engagement Ring, Gemological Institute of America